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2025 Conference Talks for Charles Herring

The following abstracts are available for delivery at security meetings and conferences.

Charles’ Biography

Charles Herring is co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at WitFoo. WitFoo was founded to enable the sharing of information and operations across the craft of Cybersecurity. Charles leads research and development of the WitFoo Precinct platform that utilizes Apache Cassandra as a fundamental component in its architecture. Precinct ingests trillions of messages each day across hundreds of clusters to detect cybercrime and provide secure methods of sharing data and operations across corporations, organizations, law enforcement, national security and insurers.

GrrCON 2024 - Birthing Perjury-free AI


Cybersecurity analysis leading to deterrence of cybercrime requires processing thousands to billions of digital signals per second. Those signals must be accurately comprehended, forensically preserved then used to detect and investigate potential cybercrime. The work products must not only assist the investigators but must be translated into language that non-technical lay audiences including judges, lawyers and jurors can understand.

This presentation explores how generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), natural language processing (NLP), graph-theory and artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) can play a role in delivering these outcomes.

The session includes demonstrations of opensource toolkits, datasets and models designed to assist in this work.

Mai's Whole Grain Sticky Rice

Being born and raised in Japan and a methodical cook, Mai has mastered cooking the perfect bowl of rice (in my opinion.) When she was visiting Japan and I was at home, I asked her help in learning how to make it myself. The recipe includes both her original guidance and my American translation (dumbing down.) It is a staple in everyday meals in our home. The whole grain, brown, genmai rice has additional fiber and nutrients over most typical white rice.
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