Coaxing Heads from the Security Sand
Some organizations have chosen to adopt a "plausible deniability" strategy to InfoSec. This article outlines some methods of helping these organizations move to a safer security practice.
Some organizations have chosen to adopt a "plausible deniability" strategy to InfoSec. This article outlines some methods of helping these organizations move to a safer security practice.
Vendors and Analysts want to have conversations around products. Organizations want to talk about their business problems. Vendors rename their products "solutions" and Organizations start evaluating the products and forget about their business problems. Here is an open letter to both sides.
An average organization will lose more than $10M to cyber crime this year in detectable losses and much more in un-quantifiable damages as trade secrets, customer data and financial records are stolen without detection. It's time to re-evaluate the need for advanced security teams in organizations that want to stay afloat in an age of rampant, sophisticated corporate espionage from attackers ranging from organized crime to nation-states.